Community Involvement

We are dedicated to supporting our community. Throughout the year we raise money and participate in many local events for various causes.

March 2021

We are honoured to be awarded this year’s CHAT 94.5 Food Drive Community Builder trophy. We are proud to be part of such an incredible community!

June 2020

Dalyce Cooper and EBT are happy to support the next generation of AG and the 4-H community by purchasing Easton Ebner’s Wymark Drylanders 4-H steer, Shotgun. Shotgun is enjoying his new home at the Cooper Ranch, south of Swift Current.

May 2020

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is asking us to put our hats on in support of mental health in our community! CMHA has a great website with a number of resources. Visit to find out more.

Latest Employment Opportunities

We are always looking for quality employees to join our staff. We are interested in experienced and recently designated CPAs, CPA PEP Students, as well as Accounting Technicians and Bookkeepers.
If you are interested in joining our awesome team, please apply through our current opportunities below. You may also send your resume, cover letter, and transcripts to or fax your resume to 403-526-1011 or come visit us in person at our Medicine Hat office location.