Protect your organization
At EBT, we specialize in small and medium for-profit private entities and not-for-profit organizations and have a wide range of knowledge and experience to help larger companies as well.
Our experience with all aspects of assurance (audit and review engagements) will help guide you through the process in order to meet your needs and deadlines.
With all of our assurance engagements, we use a risk-based approach to focus on areas where the greatest risk of misstatements can occur. In order to determine this we start with an in-depth understanding of your organization. Throughout the engagement, if there are areas where we note weaknesses they are brought to your attention so you can improve your internal controls and help protect your organization. We strive to provide superior service while helping your organization.
Audit & Review Articles
Expert knowledge and experience.
EBT will keep you up-to-date on information regarding recent income tax developments, legislation changes, and strategies to optimize and reduce your income taxes.
Since mid-March, the federal and provincial governments have announced the creation of numerous programs to help both individuals and Canadian businesses with the financial fallout of […]
Administrative measures – COVID-19
Suspension of review, audit and collection activities The Canada Revenue Agency regularly carries out review activities in which taxpayers are asked to provide documentation or other […]
Business measures – COVID-19
Wage subsidy program for employers The federal government will be providing eligible employers who have experienced a significant decline in revenues with a wage subsidy. For […]